A domain name is a set of letters and numbers which is linked to a IP address which makes up the web address of your website. Our domain name is webox.co.za and our web address is www.webox.co.za In order to have your own specific website address you need to register your own domain name. The reason for a domain name is it will be very difficult to remember IP addresses. So for example instead of using google.com you will need to use
A subdomain is an extension of your domain name. They are treated as separate website from the main domain. They will have their own FTP account details. So for example: Our domain name is webox.co.za, our web address is www.webox.co.za and a subdomain of ours is demo.webox.co.za
1) Firstly you need to ensure that the domain name is available. You cam send an email to Webox support team with a list of potential domain names and we will reply with the availability status.
2) Secondly once you have decided on the domain name, the domain registration fees needs to be paid into Webox account and proof of payment needs to be sent to Webox sales team. Once we have proof of payment, we will start with the registration process immediately.
Domain registration can take up to 72 hours register.
Yes, you can transfer a domain name. You will have to follow a process, which Webox support team will guide you in every step.
Web/Disk space is the available space you have on our server. All the pages, words, images, scripts, databases, emails and other files take up space. This space can be measured in megabytes or gigabytes.
A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated. A website can be linked to a database if required.
Bandwidth can be best described as petrol for a car. If your website runs out of bandwidth nobody will be able to visit it.
Yes, we currently have payment plans in place. You will need to ask your Webox sales consultant for the terms and conditions.
This is when your website is design such a way it can be view on a desktop pc, tablet and mobile device. You will be able to view your website on many different screen sizes.
Website hosting contracts are on a month to month contract. You can give us a 24 hour notice to cancel your website hosting contract. Any hosting fees paid for that month is not refundable.
Yes, send us work and we will reward you. Please refer to our customer referral program page. Referral terms & conditions will apply.